How To Determine Exquisite Hair Care According To Your Hair Type?


Different types of hair are present, including wavy, coily, curly and straight. It depends on the person’s hair type and haircare routine. The different types of hair mean there are numerous hair-related issues present. It can occur due to numerous issues, but the main thing is that neglecting hair care measures can create en number of problematic situations.

If you want to get healthy and lustrous hair, then hair care measures are the perfect way to obtain admired hair holds. Here you are going to get the correct type of hair care routine that can help you to prevent the possibility of dealing damages. On top of that, it can help people to maintain a healthy scalp with no issues, and there is no necessity to seek medical attention.

Broadly speaking, there are different categories of hair present, but the most important fact is that people need to determine exquisite ways to take care of their hair. With this, they will be able to get the ability to have soft, silky and smooth hair with the required and healthier shine in it. The forthcoming points can help you to understand the hair category and hair care measures that offers remarkable results.

What are the different types of hair?

The hair shape refers to the specific degrees of curliness of an individual’s hair. In this piece of writing, we will understand different hair types and the care measures required. So people will be able to enjoy healthy hair and eliminate the chances of facing severe issues. The hair shape categorization has taken place, so it makes it easier for us to understand our hair type.

  • Big curls
  • Small curls
  • Wavy
  • Stick straight
  • Straight

There are multiple hairstylists present that are considering hair shapes in 4 categories. But according to scientists, there is no necessity for the categorization system to be present.

Traits of hair structure:


People need to know that hair density refers to the number of hair present on the person’s head. If they have a lot of hair, then they have denser hair, whereas less hair means they have less density. The thickness of your hair depends on its density.


According to experts, hair porosity is something that is denoted as the measure to figure out the amount of moisture present there. The hair porosity depends on multiple gaps and tears that are present in the cuticle layer. In addition, it depends on the outer layer of the hair that can protect it from tear and wear.

According to a survey in 2015, experts have stated that hair is naturally porous. Therefore, the different types of hair have sustained damage due to chemical treatments, and bleaching is more than the untreated hair porous.

There are some people who might find it helpful, whereas some commonly avoid such strong chemical and high-heat treatments. They are considering protecting their precious hair and letting them recover from the chemical treatment damages.

Common hair care tips:

According to AAD, people are enabled to follow the listed steps to provide specific or general care for their hair.

  • Shampoo: – we all are familiar with the process of shampooing the hair as it is pretty common. It can help people to get a squeaky clean scalp along with the ability to eliminate unnecessary oils. Besides that, if you have oily skin or hair, then you might be required to prefer shampooing too often. Try to prefer to consider a gentle shampoo with least or no chemicals.
  • Conditioning: – once you are done with shampoo, you must move on towards the next step, which is conditioning. You need to prefer using the conditioner that is capable of providing the required moisture and try to lather it on hair instead of the scalp.
  • Air dry: – multiple hair care experts are suggesting people air dry their hair instead of other alternatives. So that they can protect it from heat damage or other issues. If you are in a hurry, then try to blow-dry your hair from 15 centimeters instead of directly putting a nozzle on your hair.
  • Brush: – it is suggested to avoid brushing your wet hair as it can cause damage to your scalp. On top of that, try to get your hands on the wide-tooth comb, especially when you have long and thick hair.

Pro tip: – people need to consider the shampoo and conditioner according to their hair type. We all know that different hair needs numerous care measures, so the selection of the right product can make things work. On top of that, getting assistance from experts before investing in such products will be suggested, as they can guide you better if you are facing any hair-related issues.


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