Does a Scalp Massage Promote Hair Growth?


If you ever have a scalp massage, you will know how relaxing it feels. After the scalp massages, your stress and tension are released, and the brain’s blood circulation also improves. There are also many other benefits of scalp massage. For example, they help you promote your hair growth very fast. You may be thinking these are myths. But no, this is true that massaging the scalp with your favourite oil can promote your hair development.

In this information, we have brought benefits of massages that have been scientifically proven by and also there is much evidence provided by them. That is, massaging the scalp promotes hair growth. If you also want to grow your hair long, we have tips to encourage your hair development.

What Is Scalp Massage?

The scalp massage is similar to the massage you may have for your shoulders and neck. However, this massage promotes blood circulation in the whole body. The other massages are not very gentle, but the scalp massage is very gentle than others. With the help of your favourite oil, you can do it yourself, or you can also visit any massage parlour and ask them for a massage.

Scalp massage is always done with the fingers only and with the oil that suits your scalp. There are also many tools available online for massaging the scalp. You can purchase them from online shopping sites. These massagers are also available in your nearby stores. This massager also wants to act as the fingertips to massage your scalp and give the pressure the same provided by the fingertips.

Does It Help Growth of Your Hairs?

According to the studies, many scientists have researched and concluded that the regularly massaging of the scalp promotes the growth of the hairs naturally. They have also mentioned that regularly massaging grows your hair longer and makes them look thick and shinier. To encourage hair growth, a scalp massage stimulates the hair follicles.

Just beneath the skin on your scalp, every hair begins its life within a follicle. The research study shows that massaging the scalp can increase the blood flow in the brain and scalp hairs grow more, and the thickness of the hair also increases. As a result, the follicles produce thicker hair. Furthermore, it is believed that a scalp massage may help open blood vessels under the skin, thus promoting hair growth.

Types Of Scalp Massage You Can Try

The following are some ways to stimulate hair growth by massaging your scalp. You can also add them to your regular hair care routine to relax your mind and body. So let’s have a look at them:

  • Ancient Scalp Massage

The traditional scalp massages were done when our mother massaged our scalp with her fingertips. Then, she takes oil in her hands and massages the scalp with her all love. The process of traditional massage is as follows: you can use the figures to massage your scalp, and you can also use some hot oil of your choice that you want to rub on your scalp. You can also work for hands all over your head to promote hair growth; you can also use some hot oils for your hair to make blood circulates more and makes you feel very relaxed after the massage.

  • Hair Wash Massage

The hair wash massage can be the best solution for relaxing your body and promoting blood circulation with which your hair will grow longer. This massage is done when you take any hair spa or have your salon time. You can ask your hairdresser to massage your scalp while washing your hair. They can give you a massage. You can also it yourself as you just have to put some shampoo on your head and start massaging it in a slow circular motion. You can do this massage when you wash your hair for 5 minutes and several times a day. And then, you can rinse off the shampoo you have applied to your scalp.

  • Massage Brush/Massage Tools

Like body massager tools, there are also many massaging tools available online, or you can also buy them from any store. These tools will help you relax your mind and body, and many scalp massagers are dermatologists recommend them. You can use them without any doctors’ consultation as the dermatologists test these. But many doctors recommended massaging with the figure tips for effective results. The best method for you depends on what works best for you. Massage tools for the scalp include brushes and lightweight rubber massagers. The same way you would use your fingers, you can apply these to your scalp.

Final word

Although research to date has been limited, scientific evidence shows that scalp massages may not be able to cure hair loss, but they can undoubtedly stimulate hair growth. A scalp massage can be performed with your fingertips or a scalp massaging tool. Massage therapists can also give you a scalp massage.


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