Do’s and Don’ts to Consider for Healthy Hairs


Hairs are the delicate organ of the human body. They require proper care, similar to the skin of the person. Proper caring of hair is a must to have long and nourished hair for the lifelong. Some people use hair care products, while others opt for the natural home remedies available for caring them.

A person needs to be careful in choosing the best products for their hair; they should be chemical-free. Then, the users can consider some crucial tips that will help avoid any damage to the hair.

Do’s for Health Care

1. Regular Washing of Hairs

An excessive amount of dirt and oil in the hairs can result in damage to the hairs. Washing the hairs regularly will reduce the amount of dirt in the hairs. The number of times a person should wash the hair will depend on the type of hair a person has.

  • In the case of oily hair, a person can wash the hair three times a week.
  • On the other day, washing two times a week will turn out to be good for dry hair.

2. Prefer to Use Chemical Free Shampoo

Users cannot have control over the effect of various environmental factors on the quality of their hair. But they can control the use of the products for hair care. For example, they can use a shampoo that has chemicals in fewer amounts. The choice of chemical-free shampoo will give natural and quality hair to people.

3. Ensure to Dry Hairs With Natural Options

After washing their hair, people have wet hair. The use of a towel to dry the hair will be best as the drying equipment in the market produces a good amount of heat that proves to be harmful to the hair. If the person sleeps with wet hairs or combs in web hairs, then it will damage the air cuticles. The person must avoid these kinds of acts.

4. Apply Oil on Hairs Effectively

Applying oil to the scalp of the hairs pre-shampoo treatment will improve the overall blood circulation in the scalp. It will act as good nourishment for the hair that will ultimately boost up the overall shine of the hair. The restoration of the hairs is also there if the appropriate quality and quantity of oil are used in the hairs. Mostly almond oil, olive oil, and castor oil are the best oil for the hair.

5. Make Use of the Wooden Comb

After a wash, the hairs are weak, and the chance of damage to the hairs is high. At this time, a person should use a wooden comb with a wide tooth. As combing hair becomes easy if the person uses wide tomb hairs.

Some Hair Care Don’ts

1) Use of Hot Water

In general, hot water is not considered as a good option for hair. It is because using hot water will result in removing the natural oil from the hairs, which is a must. In addition, it will automatically affect the quality of the hair.

2) Take Stress

Taking stress regularly is the main reason for hair fall and unhealthy hair. On the other hand, people who live a happy life without any stress are seen to have the quality of their hair.

3) Use of Chemicals

The use of products with chemicals will affect the follicle of the hair. The growth of the hair is completely dependent on the follicles, so their care is a must. A person needs to avoid the use of products that contain chemicals in the hair.

4) Hair Styling Products

These days the use of the hair styling products like dryers, curlers, and straighteners are mostly used by girls. However, they produce a high amount of heat that can be dangerous for the hair heaths. So the best option is to avoid their use.

5) Wash Hairs With Salt Water

Using salt on the scalp of the hair can damage them from depth. A person should not use salt water to wash hair. They even create a high irritation on the scalp of hairs. One must avoid swimming in chlorinated water as they cause serious hair damage.

Is Vitamin C Good Option for the Healthy Hairs?

Most people dream of having natural and shiny hair in their life. For this, they can plan to consume a good diet containing all the vitamins and minerals necessary for hair growth. Especially the use of vitamin C will be a helpful option for the users.

They help in not only the reduction of the loss in hair but also the maintenance of the natural hair color is possible with Vitamin C. users can add the consumption of the vitamins C to their diet and even plan to use hair care products that contain a good amount of the vitamin C.


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