Haircare Tips – 7 Foods to Keep Your Hair Healthy


Everyone wants that voluminous and luscious hair that we the advertisements and magazines. Healthy and strong hair is not only the dream of every woman, but even men also want that. Hair is crucial to every human’s personality, and everyone is worried about bad hair days. According to Redbook, 74% of women say bad hair days make them less confident.

You can put your body in a better condition by nourishing it with foods that ultimately lead to better skin and hair. However, that’s a fact that branded shampoo and conditioner are not enough for healthy hair. Minerals and vitamins play a crucial role in the hair follicle’s growth cycle and cellular turnover. So, dieting with fewer minerals and vitamins can lead to severe hair loss.

Moreover, the best nutrients and vitamins for healthy hair are omega-3 fatty acids, B-complex vitamins, iron, and Lean proteins. If you face issues like hair fall, dandruff, and split ends, your diet must contain these vitamins.


Salmon is a type that is full of nutrients and keeps the heart healthy, and also helps in improving mood and inflammation. Moreover, Salmon fish is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, an essential nutrient for strong hair. According to a study, women who took supplements of omega-3 have reported a decrease in hair fall and an increase in hair density and diameter.


Eggs are full of proteins and nutrients that are essential for healthy hair. Eggs include vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin B12, and choline. In addition, zeaxanthin and lutein are the two nutrients that play a crucial role in sustaining cellular health, especially for the skin and hair.

Eggs are also a great source of Vitamin B, also called biotin, which helps in hair growth. On the contrary, vitamin B deficiency can lead to severe hair loss. So, adding eggs to your regular health will keep your body and hair healthy and nourished.


Nuts and dry fruits like cashews, peanuts, and almonds are excellent protein, biotin, and zinc sources. These nutrients help in the development of healthy scalp tissue and also help in stimulating hair growth. If you don’t like to consume raw nuts, then tasty nut butter is also a great option, as it can provide hair growth nutrients.

Brazilian nuts are also packed with a significant amount of selenium. According to a study, a single Brazilian nut has near about 88 micrograms of selenium. So, you just need 4 Brazilian nuts daily to keep your hair healthy. Selenium produces the thyroid hormone in the body, which directly helps the growth of hair.


Sardines are also a type of fish that is full of boosting nutrients. However, most people don’t like to consume Sardines because of their distinctive taste. Sardines are rich in omega – 3 fatty acids and vitamin D. These nutrients help in reducing hair fall and increases the development of hair follicle.

Some studies show that a single serving of Sardines has 25% of recommended iron value for the body. A deficiency of iron in the body leads to many hair and skin problems. You can add Sardines in salads, spreads, and stews as an alternative to other types of fatty fish.

Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are also known as a nutritional powerhouse. They serve as a great source of omega-3 acids. Chia seeds are also filled with fiber and antioxidants that help in disease-fighting. In addition, consuming chia seeds daily can cure the deficiency of protein as they are considered a complete protein.

These seeds contain 20% more protein than soybeans and can promote voluminous hair by keeping the scalp healthy. In addition, two crucial minerals for hair health that is zinc and copper, are also present in the chia seeds.


Most people love pumpkin fruit because of their sweet taste. So, another reason for loving pumpkin is that it contains many nutrients that keep hair healthy and flourishing. For example, pumpkin contains nutrients like vitamin A, vitamin C, and E, which help in repairing the body cells from damage.

Pumpkin also contains another underrated mineral, and that is magnesium. Magnesium supports protein synthesis. Without magnesium in the body, the cycle of protein synthesis can be disturbed, which can lead to many health problems.


Avocado is the storehouse of nutrients and is packed with biotin and healthy fats. It is also a popular ingredient in nutritional DIY (Do It Yourself) hair masks. In addition, avocado contains Vitamin E, which acts as an antioxidant for the hair.

In just a single medium-sized avocado, you can get near about 30% of your daily vitamin E need. Avocado also prevents the scalp from damage and stress. You can add this Avocado fruit to your salads, juices, and smoothies.


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