How can a person take proper care of the skin?


A clean and healthy body starts from the inside out. Sure, you can pick up a bottle of lotion or lather in the morning, but what about your diet? What about all those toiletries for your skin that say they’re good for you? We’ve got many solutions if you’re wondering how to take care of your skin.

From ingredients to cleansers and beyond, here are some pointers on providing your body with clean and healthy sustenance through proper nutrition. Also, you must know that skin is a complex organ, and treating it gently is the simplest way to care for it. Here are a few tips to get you going:

1. Drink plenty of fluids:

A healthy diet provides nutrition to the body, which in turn makes your skin healthy. Drinking water is a basic requirement for the skin. Drink up! At least 8-12 glasses of water a day (minimum) will not only help hydrate you, but it will help your skin as well:

Water helps flush all the organic and inorganic substances that get trapped in the sebaceous glands through the pores of your skin. When you have more water in your body, you also help eliminate toxins from unused and expired hormones that are stored in fat cells.

2. Eat fruits and vegetables:

Fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants that can even out the appearance of dry patches. Antioxidants also help fight free radicals, which are unstable atoms that are the cause of most of the skin’s ageing from pollutants and toxins.

3. Eat healthy fats:

Fats are also essential for proper skincare. A healthy diet will ensure that you’re getting enough omega-3 fatty acids necessary for healthy skin. In addition, low-fat diets can lead to dry, flaky, sensitive skin that can be very uncomfortable. Foods with a high-fat content include fish, nuts, olives and avocado.

4. Exercise:

Exercise helps you maintain an ideal weight range and a healthy appearance and also helps your skin look great. Exercise causes the release of endorphins, which are naturally occurring chemicals in your body that make you feel happier. How this works is that what goes on in the blood eventually makes its way to the skin.

4. Drink green tea:

Green tea isn’t only good for providing us with antioxidants, but it can also help clear the face of pimples and prevent future breakouts. Green tea contains caffeine, which triggers a surge of blood circulation to the areas where acne develops. This will help eliminate acne and promote healthy skin growth. Drink lots of green tea to see positive results!

5. Get enough sleep:

Although this may not seem as important as everything else, getting enough sleep is essential for your body and skin. When you are chronically sleep deprived, your skin does not have time to repair itself, and it gets very dry. If you’re constantly over-stressed, your body will produce excess cortisol, which will speed up the skin’s ageing process.

6. Avoid the sun:

Yes, it’s good to get some sunshine to produce vitamin D, but too much exposure will cause premature ageing of your face. The sun also contains harmful UVA and UVB rays that can lead to severe skin damage and cancer. Always apply sunscreen before going outdoors, and try to wear a hat to avoid sun exposure.

7. Apply cream or oil:

Sunscreen does not absorb into the skin, so it won’t protect you from harmful rays. You can use a moisturizing cream or oil to protect your skin from the sun. These products will lock in moisture, which will prevent dryness and wrinkles.

8. Avoid harsh hair products:

Harsh chemicals in many hair care products often cause skin irritation and can even lead to eczema. Also, many hair dyes contain peroxide, which is absorbed through the pores of your skin into your bloodstream and can have detrimental effects on your system. If you want to dye your hair, check out natural dyes, which are free of harmful chemicals.

9. Avoid harsh soaps and cleansers:

Soaps and cleansers can contain harsh chemicals that can lead to irritation and redness. Often times these products are also too drying for the skin, so it’s important to find a cleanser that is gentle enough for everyday use. You may have to try a few different brands and types before you find one that works for you!

10. Use oatmeal:

You may not think of oatmeal as something that can help your skin, but it actually can. Oatmeal helps control sebum by controlling the size of your pores and reducing the amount of pollution and debris. When you use oatmeal regularly, you will find that it is actually very effective at controlling breakouts. Another thing to keep in mind is to not overdo it.


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